This all-encompassing TCP/IP text defines completeness with its 1,000-plus pages and hundreds of configuration screens, exercises, charts, tables, and references. Though initially overwhelming, such thoroughness is what’s demanded of those who ultimately pass the Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE) exam, the bruising test for which Routing TCP/IP, Volume 1 serves as preparatory material.
Such a goal is evidenced in much of the three-part book’s design. For example, nearly every chapter includes some combination of recommended readings, review questions, configuration and troubleshooting exercises, case studies, and summaries. In addition, there are numerous appendices devoted to answers to questions and exercise solutions as well as one that outlines exam preparation tips.
Jeff Doyle begins this volume with a review of several basic topics, including a chapter that outlines the parameters of TCP/IP itself. Though some may already be familiar with that material, the sections on dynamic and static routing serve as valuable review material for readers of all levels. The second part deals with TCP/IP interior routing protocols, such as Routing Information Protocol (RIP), Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP), and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF). The book ends on a challenging note with explanations of route redistribution, route filtering, and the like. Routing TCP/IP is required reading for those readers with the ambitious goal to both understand the protocol and excel on the CCIE exam. –Sarah L. Roberts-Witt
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