Duration: 7 hrs / 97 lessons
Welcome (03:22)
System requirements (06:36)
Getting to know AJAX
downloading data behind the scenes (03:09)
modifying web pages on the fly (05:30)
searching in real time with live searches (03:05)
getting the answer with autocomplete (03:10)
dragging and dropping html elements with ajax (05:43)
getting instant login feedback (03:31)
Writing AJAX
working with javascript in browsers (04:29)
creating an xmlhttprequest object in javascript (07:48)
checking the xmlhttprequest object's readystate property (04:19)
checking the xmlhttprequest object's status property (03:23)
getting your data with the xmlhttprequest object (04:54)
problems creating an xmlhttprequest object (05:05)
fetching text data from the browser (05:23)
decoding the fetched data (06:10)
selecting relative or absolute urls (03:30)
getting xmlhttprequest objects in other ways (05:37)
using server-side scripting (05:18)
storing ajax data in xml (05:59)
fetching xml data from the server (05:21)
extracting data from xml (06:31)
passing data to the server with get (06:21)
passing data to the server with post (05:22)
Getting more AJAX power
determining which browser the user has (06:27)
handling head requests for more data (05:12)
creating a live search pt.1 (07:28)
creating a live search pt.2 (03:41)
connecting to google suggest (04:24)
calling a different domain safely (03:53)
using two xmlhttprequest objects (05:31)
handling multiple xmlhttprequest requests (04:17)
returning javascript objects from the server (05:22)
Creating AJAX applications
downloading images using ajax (04:38)
creating a shopping cart (02:31)
handling mouse events (05:48)
enabling dragging (05:48)
handling drops (04:04)
communicating with the shopping cart on the server (03:05)
creating an ajax-driven drop-down menu system (05:57)
downloading data with drop-down menu system (03:00)
displaying a menu with a drop-down menu system (04:27)
Exploring the browser-side AJAX frameworks
introducing ajax frameworks (01:58)
creating ajax with libxmlrequest (06:04)
creating ajax with ajaxlib (05:01)
creating ajax with xhconn (04:30)
creating ajax with sack (04:41)
creating ajax with interactive website framework (03:09)
creating ajax with sarissa (05:16)
exploring the server-side ajax frameworks
creating ajax with php and sajax pt.1 (04:04)
creating ajax with php and sajax pt.2 (04:33)
creating ajax with php and xajax (05:03)
Using XML with AJAX
understanding xml (05:03)
loading xml into a browser object (04:10)
navigating through xml documents using javascript (06:04)
extracting data from text nodes (03:02)
handling white space in mozilla and firefox (04:50)
accessing attribute values in xml elements (07:01)
accessing xml elements by name (04:11)
validating xml you get from the server (06:26)
validating xml with a dtd (03:19)
Using CSS with AJAX in web pages
introducing css (03:50)
setting styles (05:57)
using an external style sheet (03:04)
working with text styles (05:42)
setting colors and backgrounds (04:38)
getting newly-displayed text noticed (05:52)
showing ajax results (03:22)
hiding ajax results (03:44)
positioning elements (03:30)
positioning elements: absolute positioning (03:39)
positioning elements: relative positioning (03:47)
stacking (03:04)
Using PHP and AJAX
using php in web pages (03:08)
understanding basic php syntax (03:38)
working with variables (05:09)
working with operators (04:54)
working with strings (05:48)
working with arrays (04:47)
making choices with the if statement (02:08)
using the switch statement (04:03)
using for loops in php (03:58)
using while loops in php (02:24)
sending data to the server (05:44)
extracting data from text fields (03:42)
extracting data from checkboxes (04:13)
extracting data from radio buttons (03:10)
extracting data from listboxes (04:29)
uploading files (03:21)
reading uploaded files (04:32)
redirecting the browser (02:58)
Doing it right: AJAX best practices
handling the back button (02:33)
remember - google can't see your ajax content (01:53)
watching out for browser caching (03:50)
giving visual cues (02:42)
Wrap-up (03:20)
About the Author (00:40)
Password: knowfree.net
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