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AJAX Training with Steve Holzner - VTC

VTC - AJAX Training with Steve HolznerAjax, shorthand for Asynchronous Javascript and XML, is a set of technologies that allows you to create Web applications that don't need to refresh Web pages in the browser. You can operate behind the scenes, connecting to the server, uploading and downloading data, and display the results in the browser using dynamic HTML. Using Ajax gives your Web pages the feel of a desktop application-the whole display will no longer flash when you click a button. VTC Author Steve Holzner helps you get started developing and building your own Ajax capable web pages. A familiarity with JavaScript, XML, PHP is recommended for this course.

Duration: 7 hrs / 97 lessons


Welcome (03:22)
System requirements (06:36)

Getting to know AJAX

downloading data behind the scenes (03:09)
modifying web pages on the fly (05:30)
searching in real time with live searches (03:05)
getting the answer with autocomplete (03:10)
dragging and dropping html elements with ajax (05:43)
getting instant login feedback (03:31)

Writing AJAX

working with javascript in browsers (04:29)
creating an xmlhttprequest object in javascript (07:48)
checking the xmlhttprequest object's readystate property (04:19)
checking the xmlhttprequest object's status property (03:23)
getting your data with the xmlhttprequest object (04:54)
problems creating an xmlhttprequest object (05:05)
fetching text data from the browser (05:23)
decoding the fetched data (06:10)
selecting relative or absolute urls (03:30)
getting xmlhttprequest objects in other ways (05:37)
using server-side scripting (05:18)
storing ajax data in xml (05:59)
fetching xml data from the server (05:21)
extracting data from xml (06:31)
passing data to the server with get (06:21)
passing data to the server with post (05:22)

Getting more AJAX power

determining which browser the user has (06:27)
handling head requests for more data (05:12)
creating a live search pt.1 (07:28)
creating a live search pt.2 (03:41)
connecting to google suggest (04:24)
calling a different domain safely (03:53)
using two xmlhttprequest objects (05:31)
handling multiple xmlhttprequest requests (04:17)
returning javascript objects from the server (05:22)

Creating AJAX applications

downloading images using ajax (04:38)
creating a shopping cart (02:31)
handling mouse events (05:48)
enabling dragging (05:48)
handling drops (04:04)
communicating with the shopping cart on the server (03:05)
creating an ajax-driven drop-down menu system (05:57)
downloading data with drop-down menu system (03:00)
displaying a menu with a drop-down menu system (04:27)

Exploring the browser-side AJAX frameworks

introducing ajax frameworks (01:58)
creating ajax with libxmlrequest (06:04)
creating ajax with ajaxlib (05:01)
creating ajax with xhconn (04:30)
creating ajax with sack (04:41)
creating ajax with interactive website framework (03:09)
creating ajax with sarissa (05:16)
exploring the server-side ajax frameworks
creating ajax with php and sajax pt.1 (04:04)
creating ajax with php and sajax pt.2 (04:33)
creating ajax with php and xajax (05:03)

Using XML with AJAX

understanding xml (05:03)
loading xml into a browser object (04:10)
navigating through xml documents using javascript (06:04)
extracting data from text nodes (03:02)
handling white space in mozilla and firefox (04:50)
accessing attribute values in xml elements (07:01)
accessing xml elements by name (04:11)
validating xml you get from the server (06:26)
validating xml with a dtd (03:19)

Using CSS with AJAX in web pages

introducing css (03:50)
setting styles (05:57)
using an external style sheet (03:04)
working with text styles (05:42)
setting colors and backgrounds (04:38)
getting newly-displayed text noticed (05:52)
showing ajax results (03:22)
hiding ajax results (03:44)
positioning elements (03:30)
positioning elements: absolute positioning (03:39)
positioning elements: relative positioning (03:47)
stacking (03:04)

Using PHP and AJAX

using php in web pages (03:08)
understanding basic php syntax (03:38)
working with variables (05:09)
working with operators (04:54)
working with strings (05:48)
working with arrays (04:47)
making choices with the if statement (02:08)
using the switch statement (04:03)
using for loops in php (03:58)
using while loops in php (02:24)
sending data to the server (05:44)
extracting data from text fields (03:42)
extracting data from checkboxes (04:13)
extracting data from radio buttons (03:10)
extracting data from listboxes (04:29)
uploading files (03:21)
reading uploaded files (04:32)
redirecting the browser (02:58)

Doing it right: AJAX best practices

handling the back button (02:33)
remember - google can't see your ajax content (01:53)
watching out for browser caching (03:50)
giving visual cues (02:42)

Wrap-up (03:20)
About the Author (00:40)



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